Asimo #2 [Honda], RMCA, Brussels, Belgium, 2009./ (c)Vincent Fournier
「ARCHEOLOGY OF THE FUTURE ― 未来の考古学」展開催/ (c)Vincent Fournier
GREAT GREY OWL [Strix predatoris] Predator-resistant feathers./ (c)Vincent Fournier
RABBIT [Oryctolagus cognitivus] Very intelligent rabbit./ (c)Vincent Fournier
DRAGONFLY [Chloromgonfus detectis] Volatile inorganic-sensitive animal./ (c)Vincent Fournier
Sokol Space Glove, Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center [GCTC], Star City, Zvyozdny Gorodok, Russia, 2007./ (c)Vincent Fournier
Hydrolab Training, I.S.S., Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center [GCTC], Star City, Zvyozdny gorodok, Russia, 2007./ (c)Vincent Fournier
Kobian Robot #1 [Takanishi Laboratory], Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 2010./ (c)Vincent Fournier
Asimo #2 [Honda], RMCA, Brussels, Belgium, 2009./ (c)Vincent Fournier
「ARCHEOLOGY OF THE FUTURE ― 未来の考古学」展開催/ (c)Vincent Fournier