Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, stillPhoto: Unknown (Collection of Izu Photo Museum Collection)
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, still Photo: 遠藤進
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, still Photo: Higuchi Masaharu
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, still Photo: Yamanashi Prefecture
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, still Photo: mitsuru AsakurA
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, still Photo: nakano yuko
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, still Photo: Takahiro Yamamoto
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, stillPhoto: Unknown (Collection of Izu Photo Museum Collection)
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, stillPhoto: Unknown (Collection of Izu Photo Museum Collection)
Ascent (2016), Fiona Tan, still Photo: 遠藤進