《3→2 #01》2010 170x200cm 油彩・カンヴァス/ ©Ay Tjoe Christine, courtesy of Ota Fine Arts
《Too Many Fishes》2013 Oil on canvas 170×200cm/ ©Ay Tjoe Christine, courtesy of Ota Fine Arts
《We Are Getting Highly Overrated Because You've Never Known Us 01》2015 170x300cm Oil on canvas/ ©Ay Tjoe Christine, courtesy of Ota Fine Arts
《Freezing 01》2017-2018 170x200cm 油彩・カンヴァス/ ©Ay Tjoe Christine, courtesy of Ota Fine Arts
《Lama Sabakhtani #01》2010 430x250x400cm ミクストメディア・インスタレーション/ ©Ay Tjoe Christine, courtesy of Ota Fine Arts
アイ・チョー・クリスティン(Ay Tjoe Christine)
《I need your hand #2》2009 135x170cm アクリル・カンヴァス/ ©Ay Tjoe Christine, courtesy of Ota Fine Arts
《3→2 #01》2010 170x200cm 油彩・カンヴァス/ ©Ay Tjoe Christine, courtesy of Ota Fine Arts
《Too Many Fishes》2013 Oil on canvas 170×200cm/ ©Ay Tjoe Christine, courtesy of Ota Fine Arts