展示作品「Studies into the Past」(過去についてのスタディ)
79, Pompeii Eruption|Cabinet in walnut wood, oil on wood, white marble, neon|45 x 110 x 30 cm Photo : Pierre Antoine Courtesy : Galerie Perrotin, Paris.(c)Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2015
二重の太陽や黒い太陽を表現した作品の真ん中に「Ancient Mirror(古の鏡)」が展示されている
映像作品「Soleil Noir(ソレイユ・ノワール黒い太陽)」
Studies into the Past|Oil on gold leaf|200 x 130 cm (c)Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2015
Studies into the Past|Oil on wood panel|120 x 90 cm Courtesy : Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong. (c)Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris
Studies into the Past|Oil on wood panel|50 x 31 cm (c)Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris
Soleil Noir|16mm film transferred|11’40’’|2014 Photos : Claire Dorn Courtesy : Galerie Perrotin, Paris. (c)Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2015
Soleil Double|Bas-relief in marble|36 x 41 x 3 cm| 2014Photo : Marina Gusina Courtesy : Edouard Malingue Gallery, Hong Kong. (c)Laurent Grasso / ADAGP, Paris, 2015
展示作品「Studies into the Past」(過去についてのスタディ)