KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭 2015 展示風景/ Photo by Takuya Oshima
John Rawlings, American Vogue, March 1943/ (c) 1943 Conde Nast
LA-LV_58 from the LA-LV series / 2015 /Aluminium silver/ (c) Antony Cairns
Radiolarian measuring about 0.1 mmm/ (c) Christian Sardet CNRS / Tara Oceans / Plankton Chronicles
二代目鈴木真一「茶道」1880年代、鶏卵紙、手彩色/ (c) MNAA-Guimet, Paris.
Girl-9 minutes old./ (c) MNAA-Guimet, Paris.
Avant derniere pivoine (Last but one peony), 2011/ (c) Sarah Moon
Narragansett, 1973/ (c) Arno Rafael Minkkinen courtesy PUG OSLO
CF000478 Unaltered stomach contents of a Laysan albatross fledgling Midway Island, 2009 (from the series, Midway: Message from the Gyre)./ (c) Chris Jordan
Tryadhvan, 2015/ (c) Eriko Koga
Refugees in the desert. The Sha-alaan One camp, is the worst camp. They have orderly food lines with thousands of refugees waiting calmly for food distribution from the “Charitas” charity organization. Jordan, 1990./ (c) Chris Steele-Perkins / Magnum Photos
The Green Train/ (c) Qian Haifeng
KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭 2015 展示風景/ Photo by Takuya Oshima
KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭 2015 展示風景/ Photo by Takuya Oshima
KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭 2015 展示風景/ Photo by Takuya Oshima
John Rawlings, American Vogue, March 1943/ (c) 1943 Conde Nast